Gang Lion Assembly

Keeping Up With Comics - Introduction

Episode Summary

Intro & Mission Statement

Episode Notes

What's what in comics these days? New issues come out weekly and we aim to keep up. Every week, Henry & Ozzie will go over the solicitations and previews to each select ONE new comic off the rack to read & review together.

The goal is to be  up to snuff on the comic world's current goings-on while maintaining a love and passion for the medium we love so dearly. If, along the way, we are able to recommend to you some current titles or jumping on points 'n such...well, that's just gravy.  (mmmmm, gravy)

We will touch on trends,  get ourselves on track with comic news and scour the new and upcoming releases for that one title that we're willing to shell out our money for and, hopefully,  make you, the listener a bit more informed. Also, and most importantly, we're gonna have a ton of fun along the way!

No speculation. No investments. No collector FOMO. Just comic reading joy.

We love our collection of old stuff, but what's new?


"Keeping Up With Comics" is part of the "Gang Lion Assembly" of podcasts. contact us at